back 8 April 2024

Innovation, sustainability and automation are the central topics at the DESMA House Fair 2024

Hausmesse Newsletter

Finally, on 24 and 25 September 2024, the traditional DESMA House Fair will open its doors to customers, friends and visitors from all over the world to inform them about the latest technologies in footwear production. In line with this year’s motto, „PIONEERING. TOGETHER.“, you will find a comprehensive mix of product presentations, technical lectures and live demonstrations of tried-and-trusted DESMA technologies and services as well as the latest innovations. We are also expecting over 50 international co-exhibitors and more than 800 visitors.

Sustainability is a key topic for the footwear industry. With particle dosing, DESMA showcases an option that adds the aspect of sustainability to round off the DESMA direct soling technology. The addition of granulated production waste or functional additives, for example, reduces both the amount of production waste as well as the consumption of material components, while simultaneously increasing the functionality of the produced footwear. DESMA has already installed more than 1500 robotics and automation solutions throughout the world and in terms of sustainability, these help to reduce material consumption, improve working conditions and raise the general quality of the shoes. In addition to the advance in production sustainability, these solutions also enable you to control production costs and reduce the impact of direct labour costs on the finished product.

Another prominent trend nowadays is customisation, with „lot size of 1 pair“ as the benchmark. The challenge is to produce these lot sizes efficiently and cost-effectively. Once again, this is where you can rely on DESMA technology. Multi Section Injection (MSI©) enables you to change the physical properties of a midsole by injecting segmented material into different areas to achieve different properties such as varying hardness from section to section.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can add dynamics to the creative process, facilitate visualisation and enhance the sophistication of the design. DESMA already uses these tools and in consultation with you, we can design mould or article concepts that suit your requirements, benefit from our practical expertise and exploit the potential of artificial intelligence. DESMA’s design skills help to realise your ideas and schemes with various mould options such as „Centre Wedge“ and „DESwing“, that substantially increase the available design options and/or the range of features for multi-coloured soles in your production processes.

Digital solutions and products from DESMA help to maintain industrial footwear production at a consistently high level of efficiency. They allow you to analyse production, energy and efficiency and also provide information that can facilitate production planning or help reducing the causes of downtime.

Visitors to the House Fair will have the opportunity to get to know the DESMA Customer Service Centre (CSC), which provides field service on the customer’s premises, uses intelligent remote control to save time and money, supplies spare parts, provides team training and produces samples without interrupting your production processes.

Consider our DESMA House Fair as a networking platform. Meet old friends and new partners from all over the world and share knowledge with other professionals. If you have not already done so, please join the DESMA House Fair community on LinkedIn, where you can network with other professionals and experts from the footwear industry.

Simply write to and we will send you your personal invitation. We are delighted and look forward to seeing you again in person in Achim.